FLEA has a two type: one head louse and second animal lice two type flea has many different but same sources their want.Flea not dangerous but their can give effect itchy to people at risk.Head louse is a type of bloodsucker parasite which normally live division head.Female lice can lay six grains one day.The parasites spread quickly through direct contact with hair that is troubled. It also jumped to head through brush or hair comb,hat,pillow and towel. Three types of fleas human we study is
Life cycle of flea
The female head louse lays individual eggs(called nits) strongly gluing
them to head hair shaft near the skin. The adult lives for about 30 days,
feeding on blood several times each day.

them to head hair shaft near the skin. The adult lives for about 30 days,
feeding on blood several times each day.
The first instar nymph hatches after six to nine days of development. Within minutes it takes its first blood meal.
After seven days of feeding and two more growth stages. The first instar nymph become adult louse.
After seven days of feeding and two more growth stages. The first instar nymph become adult louse.
Sign flea infection
- Itchy that strong in head surface.This caused material that have inside head louse saliva.
- Red sign in head surface,neck and back ear.In bad case,swollen signs happen behind ear.
- Availability lice eggs that small,usually shine and white.It seems like dandruff but it not have been extracted easily.
Flea contagious are live from head through:
What can do and prevent the flea?
- Using flea comb.This comb should be soaked in vinegar first so that eggs have been extracted easily.
- Soaking combs and head consumption goods like hair binder etc with antipedicular agent or alcohol for a couple of hours.
- washing sheet with hot water.
- Using vacuum machine to clear carpet,car seats
- Using medicine to kill flea and the eggs.
- Using specific shampoo (can be found at pharmacy) to kill head loose.
- Malathion
- Cleaning hair routinely.Head shampoo then wipe until scalp and hair.Not until shampoo on eye.Hair comb and until let dry.Using hair comb that is soft dentate. Removing all bugs and the eggs.
- Meeting with doctor when have bacterial infection sign like fever and boil on the head or pus.
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